

Why would you refresh an iconic brand like Sour Patch to remain relevant? That was the question asked to Landor's Dale Doyle. "Some brands do it to combat copycats, others refresh only when introducing a new variant. Sour Patch refreshed its package to avoid look-alikes and breathe new life into the brand. Before starting the project, the team mined the brand’s equities by identifying what was important to stakeholders. They took time to understand how the brand differentiated from the competition and how it didn’t."

What was the Sour Patch brand’s ownable equities? Sour Patch characters. So Landor's team enlisted the help of Scott Hull Associates'food illustrator, Michael Bast to help with the creation of a new cast of Sour Patch characters.

The new realistic animated Sour Patch characters draw the concumer in to the store's shelf.

Making the decision to either slightly refresh your package or to a major overhaul depends on the health of your brand. Dale commented that we often see brands that have been declining over the years, yet are hesitant to implement a packaging redesign. Today brands need to continually advance forward to remain relevant. If you think of your brand’s packaging as the living, breathing way in which your product is brought to life, then continually evolving your package makes ROI sense. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Scott Hull Associates + Panera


Michael Bast | My Dream Job