Mark Riedy + the Visual Branding of DataYard
Tossing around the phrase "Original Art Works", I can think of no better example than the DataYard rebranding featuring Mark Riedy's focused illustrative design.
A Meg Hunt + "Interstellar Cinderella" Interview
Join us as Meg Hunt tells us a bit about her work on "Interstellar Cinderella", one of the hottest children's books today by author Deborah Underwood.
Andrea Eberbach for the Art of Healing
Create a mural with the purpose to casually relax its viewer as they waited to be seen by the medical staff. That was IU Simon Caner Center's, Dr. Nasser Hanna request to Andrea Eberbach. Look and see for yourself how Andrea accomplished the art of healing.
Michael Bast Art of Flavor: Snapea Crisps
With an opportunity to reposition and repackage their existing two-SKU line, Calbee North America sought to grow the brand by leveraging their small, but loyal salty-snack / salad topper customer base.
Mark Riedy + Zach Hicks Talk Horses
Whenever you are asked to work on a long-standing iconic image such as the Budweiser Clydesdales, the biggest challenge is striking a creative balance. The art already has a name for itself. You want to add your own personal point of view while always considering the equity of the images that came before me.