Meg Hunt's Wine Label Collaboration with Barrel+Ink


When Meg Hunt was tracked down by Barrel+Ink to add her visual interpretation to a limited edition wine named Jet Set Jungle, she was excited to explore new territory.

She explains, "The process of pairing art with wine was a really fascinating challenge – I don't know a lot about wine processes, so I focused on the flavors to represent the world a wine drinker might discover. Knowing from the start that this blend was meant for winter holidays, I thought of bounty and abundant harvests.

But once I popped the cork, I was blown away by the aromas and flavors and the boldness in color. Pax, the winemaker, had made something truly special and hard to pin down. This led me thinking about wildness and surprises – an untamed jungle popping with shape and bold color, and a unique wildcat reigning over the scene to represent the barbarous blend. Part leopard, part tiger, and adorned with gold foil to show off its richness.”


"This wine feels like an abundant harvest, full of unique and rich possibilities. In that way, I designed my label to be a surprise-- part leopard, part tiger, and full of energy bursting out of the bottle!"  -- Meg Hunt


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