Meg Hunt: Animation is a Dream!

Transplant is a short film set in a dream, where things aren't what they seem at first glance, and play can lead to destruction, discovery and growth.

The short was a incredible pairing of talents of our artist Meg Hunt and animator PMurphy. Friends since college, the two had been itching to collaborate on a project for years and found an opportunity during Design Week Portland."

Every year, AEPDX hosts a themed showcase open to the public for Design Week. This year's topic was dreams and the only parameter was that each short needed to use at least two common dream symbols.

After examining the symbols list, Meg and PMurphy were inspired by the flower and the eye and got to brainstorming about gardens and symbiotic relationships, slowly building the world of Transplant.

The main character, Flora, is camouflaged into her environment and comes to life when she gets curious about a new visitor. Flora is playful and rambunctious despite her worn-out eye; this playfulness gets her into trouble at first, but after meeting a mysterious muddy friend Flora finds the loss of her plaything grows into the very thing she needed all along

Animation is new creative territory for Meg. She says, “Animation is like alchemy to me, and I can’t wait to collaborate again and push my visual language with motion in the future!"

We hope you like the short! Let us know what you think!


"Wonder" an Animation by Penelope Dullaghan


Meg Hunt's Wine Label Collaboration with Barrel+Ink