This Beer Didn't Just Say They Were Authentic-They Showed it.

When Deschutes Brewery created their new Jubelale (a festive winter ale), they knew they wanted it to stand out on shelves—and convey the warmth that went into making it.


After all, this craft brewery is known for being true to themselves. Some tired old stock photo of a snowman wasn’t going to cut it.

Illustrator Eric Nyffeler took cues from the warm notes of toffee and dusted cocoa to create a winter scene that is far from the expected, yet somehow so familiar.

[Nyffeler] Jebelale-1.jpg

In fact, the artwork is so authentically winter, it makes for one awesome looking piece of art—even on its own.

[Nyffeler] Jebelate-4.jpg

Eric’s authentic art style, created entirely from his own hand, landed him a feature in our latest white paper: Packaging Trends for 2021. In it, we make some bold predictions about what’s coming this year.

And since we spent all of 2020 working with some of the best brand leaders in the business on their packaging projects, we think we have a pretty good idea of where things are headed.

Check out more of Eric Nyffeler’s work.

Get our newest white paper “Packaging Trends 2021” completely free—below.


Illustration As Demonstration.


How to Update a Historic Brand (Without Breaking Things)