Illustration As Demonstration.

Masks have become a part of daily life. It’s almost surreal sometimes to sit back and watch the grocery store around you.

It’s our current reality—so when we were approached to do some mask illustrations by The ALC Groiup, we connected them with Michael Bast. He knows “reality”. He’s done some of the amazing realistic packaging you see on the shelves in the grocery store (Hidden Valley, Harvest Snaps, Celestial Teas, Keebler and more). Plus, his realistic style is perfect for demonstrating the features of a product that can’t necessarily be seen—fine details in science illustrations, or microscopic particles like coronaviruses.

Check out the finished artwork below!

[Bast] H M Hero Image.1.jpg
[Bast] Cutaway-layered-cloth.1.jpg
[Bast] Mask-Layers.jpg

Is this realistic style going to be a trend for 2021? While no one can be sure of what’s to come (take all of 2020 for example), we’ve worked with some of the best brand leaders in the business on their packaging projects, we think we have a pretty good idea of where things are headed.

That’s why we made some bold predictions for coming trends in 2021. And right now, you can get the white paper—completely free. Just click the button below.


Get our newest white paper, “Packaging Trends 2021”completely free - below


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