Creative Work that Excites Your Client. A Win-Win

Is it harder to sell great work through these days?

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Every day a new Fishbowl thread pops up about internal politics and the creative process, and it’s tough to stay motivated. It almost seems like your own team is working for the client, instead of your agency or design firm.

But we have a way through it. We’ve created a little booklet to help bring Creative and Account together to sell through great work. Think of it like an olive branch. Something to help both sides understand the other, and get together to sell work to the client. 

After all, your client (be it a big box store or book rep) wants great work. They’re just scared. And when they walk into the room with an agency that doesn’t seem like they’re on the same page, they aren’t given much confidence in bold ideas.

At Scott Hull Associates, we believe in working together. Presenting a united front. It’s why our illustrators are called on by Leo, BBDO, Pentagram, Publicis, and more. We don’t just make work. We help you make work. Work that works. Work that sells.

You can order copies of the beautiful newsprint for your office (while supplies last), or download it for free here. Either way, share it with your Account team. It will help you both figure out what the other side is pushing for, and why.

And, as always, reach out if you are looking for an affordable illustrator for a project. You can email Scott Hull himself, right here.



“Max Attacks”—selected for the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show.


Creative work that excites your client? A win-win.