“Max Attacks”—selected for the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show.

Penelope Dullaghan’s book “Max Attacks,” written by Kathi Appelt and published by Simon & Schuster, is currently featured at the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show—and we couldn’t be more proud! This is Penelope’s first picture book, and she is honored to see her name on the list alongside many of her children’s book illustrator heroes.


The book is about a mischievous little cat and all his amusing antics. As one reviewer said: “I adore Max even though I am not a cat person.” (That’s really saying something!)

Of course, we know the secret to a great book is working with a talented team. So a special thanks goes to Simon & Schuster’s art director Sonia Chaghatzbanian and editor Caitlyn Dlouhy for helping bring such a clever and captivating book to life.

[Dullaghan] Max-Moves.gif

The show is at the Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd Street in New York City, and runs from November 14th to January 4th. Stop by if you’re in the city, and check it out!

Looking for an illustrator for your project? Trying to find the next great children’s book? Reach out to Scott himself at scott@scotthullassociates.com, and let’s create beautiful books together.


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