Creative work that excites your client? A win-win.

Clients are looking for great ideas. They just need help seeing them.

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Right now, clients are focused on ROI and engagement metrics. Sometimes, that commitment to data gets in the way of the work that would make them successful.

But we’ve got a way for you to show them the light, and see the real metric (revenue) increase. We created a little booklet to help bring Account and Creative together to sell through great work (that works). Think of it like an olive branch. Something to help both sides understand the other, and get together to sell work to the client.

After all, your client (be it a big box store or book rep) wants great work. They’re just scared. And when they walk into the room with an agency that isn’t confident in the work, they aren’t confident in the work.

 But at Scott Hull Associates, we believe in working together. Presenting a united front. It’s why our illustrators are called on by Leo, BBDO, Pentagram, Publicis, and more. We don’t just make beautiful illustrations. We make work you can sell.

You can order copies of the beautiful newsprint for your office (while supplies last), or download it for free here. Either way, share it with your Creative team. It will help you both figure out what the other side is pushing for, and why.

 And, as always, reach out if you are looking for an affordable illustrator for a project. You can email Scott Hull himself, right here.


Creative Work that Excites Your Client. A Win-Win


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