The Scott Hull Team Is Delighted To Welcome Another Artist To Our Team: Alfred Taylor

Alfred Taylor is a character development illustrator who is extremely skilled at capturing expressions and likenesses. He is especially adept at creating a color story that perfectly complements his scenes and narratives.

Get to know Alfred in the interview below.

What do you think your illustration brings to clients and to yourself?

First, let me say, great question. I think my illustrations illuminate the uncaptured imagination of the subconscious. As any good art should, I believe my art tells a story with each piece. I surmise the audience takes with them.

As an illustrator name three qualities or skill sets you are most proud of?

So, I believe that before anything else, it is good to point out that I'm very proud of my entire journey thus far. However, I hold a few qualities about my art, which I do retain a hubris for, above others. As such, my ability to capture expressions in my characters pleases me. I've also prided myself on my ability to capture the likeness of someone in my portraiture. My absolute favorite skill is conveying a color that perfectly complements the scene or story. The color sense that I've developed over the years is something I want to be known for in my career.

What types of brands or projects are a good fit for you?

In my mind, any brand looking to tell a story is a fit for me. Projects that I think are well-matched are children's books, mascot rebranding, and concept visualization. Though, I am always willing to expand into new avenues.

What’s one thing you wish creative buyers knew about you and/or your art?

I wish that my clients knew that I have a knack for knowing what a client is looking for within the first 5 minutes of the conversation. Often even begin thinking of the piece for the project during the conversation. I do a lot of the prep work before I touch a pencil.

How do you approach the process of understanding your client's needs?

When talking to a new client, I always listen closely. While they are communicating what their idea is, in my head, I am decoding their words and gathering subtext. All the while asking myself, "Okay, what do they need?" "What is their ultimate goal?" "Is this a passion project? Is this for their business?" and "How can I best help them achieve this goal?". All of these tools assist me in deciphering what it is that the client wants.

Do you have any design related side projects that you are currently working on?

I am working on a side project currently. My brother and I are in the process of completing a graphic novel and putting together a pitch for a television show.

What hobbies fuel your creativity?

Cooking excites my creativity and listening to music from different parts of the world. Finding a great form of media with an incredible story such as film, show, or novel can excite me to make something new.

 What visual trends are you noticing?

One visual trend I have noticed is more structural construction of characters in the designs of many new media.

Click To Visit Alfred Taylor’s Portfolio Of Unique Character Designs!


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