Beer, But Make It Fashion. Mikey Burton has the Answer.

Mikey Burton’s 100 Envelopes project has gotten lots of attention. And the Australian brewery KAUJI was looking for something big and bold to make their new limited run cans stand out.


KAIJU! Beer knew these beers had to stand out —sometimes all it takes is a nicley designed can to get big sales.

Now, these cans have been blowing up on social. And they even used the attention—getting pattern to make sway like these cool hats!

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KAIJU! Beer knew they didn’t have time (or money) to waste on boring illustrations that would look like everything else out there. By using Mikey’s envelopes, they got to choose custom artwork that could be delivered quickly, on budget.


Check out the entire 100 Envelopes project, or click the button below to see even more of the awesome challenges Mikey’s taken on for brands around the world. And if you have a new idea for a personal project, let us know. Mikey’s antsy to start another.


The Skill of Redesigning an Established Characters


How Personal Projects Keep Creativity Flowing.