How Personal Projects Keep Creativity Flowing.

Mikey Burton’s Sketchbook Goes Postal.

When Mikey Burton started his 100 Envelopes project a couple years ago, it was simply a way to take his sketching to a new place—or in this case, a whole new postal code.

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Of course, he still fills sketchbooks every year. But this was a chance to use a different format. Each #10 envelope was identical, but with a very specific, elongated size. And with a flap to work around, a little paint or ink had to be thought through. Plus, having a color palette decided upfront provided some inspiration—and gave him a challenge to match.

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While a sketchbook is a nice way to dump any and every idea you have, working with a few constraints is a great creative exercise. It’s the kind of thinking that a great illustrator brings to the process when working with a brand, for example. It isn’t just a beautiful artwork. It’s beautiful art that works. After all, thinking outside the box is great. But thinking creatively inside a box is a real talent.

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Check out the entire 100 Envelopes project, or click the button below to see even more of the awesome challenges Mikey’s taken on for brands around the world. And if you have a new idea for a personal project, let us know. Mikey’s antsy to start another.


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