Meg Hunt’s mural for ‘Thomas English Muffins’ beautifies Portland landscape

The creative team at Colossal Media reached out earlier this year to create a mural for Thomas Breads in downtown Portland, Oregon. Thomas English Muffins was looking for an artist that could make their product stand out to hungry commuters starting their day and also reflect Pacific Northwest sensibilities.

Portland is a bold, creative city, so Meg wanted to make sure to reflect that liveliness in the mural. “Inspired by art deco and mid-century poster art, I designed a patchwork of colors, textures and ingredients that would stand out on even the grayest of days, and a figure championing their signature English muffin.

Using their tagline "Wake up to what's possible," this mural aims to remind people that food can be a creative outlet – and even a humble English muffin can be a platform for whatever ideas spring forth from one's mind or one's pantry.”


Oh What Fun! Penelope Dullaghan adds cheer to the Brightly festivities!


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